Tag: food

  • おいしいビーガンフレンチオニオンポットロースト:心地よいツイスト!


    ビーガンフレンチオニオンポットローストは、古典的な人気料理を再考した心安らぐ料理です。ジャックフルーツから作られたボリュームたっぷりの植物ベースのローストが特徴で、カラメル化した玉ねぎと香り豊かなハーブを加えた風味豊かなスープでじっくりと調理されています。玉ねぎは甘くて豊かな風味を与え、通常はニンニク、タイム、バルサミコ酢で味付けされたスープが全体の深みを高めます。クリーミーなビーガンガーリックマッシュポテトまたはカリカリのパンを添えたこの料理は、居心地の良いディナーに最適です。満足できるだけでなく、伝統的なフレンチオニオンの風味に植物ベースのひねりを加えた楽しい方法でもあります。 Read more

  • Delicioso assado de cebola francesa vegana: um toque reconfortante!

    Delicioso assado de cebola francesa vegana: um toque reconfortante!

    Assado de cebola francesa vegana é um prato reconfortante que reinventa um clássico favorito. Apresenta um farto assado à base de plantas feito de jaca, cozido lentamente em um saboroso caldo infundido com cebola caramelizada e ervas aromáticas. As cebolas proporcionam um sabor doce e rico, enquanto o caldo, normalmente temperado com alho, tomilho e… Read more

  • Délicieux rôti d’oignons français végétalien : une touche réconfortante !

    Délicieux rôti d’oignons français végétalien : une touche réconfortante !

    Le rôti d’oignons végétalien à la française est un plat réconfortant qui réinvente un classique. Il se compose d’un rôti végétal copieux à base de jacquier, cuit lentement dans un bouillon savoureux infusé d’oignons caramélisés et d’herbes aromatiques. Les oignons apportent une saveur riche et sucrée, tandis que le bouillon, généralement assaisonné d’ail, de thym… Read more

  • Köstlicher veganer französischer Zwiebelbraten: Eine wohltuende Variante!

    Köstlicher veganer französischer Zwiebelbraten: Eine wohltuende Variante!

    / Veganer französischer Zwiebelschmorbraten ist ein wohltuendes Gericht, das einen beliebten Klassiker neu interpretiert. Es besteht aus einem herzhaften pflanzlichen Braten aus Jackfrucht, der langsam in einer würzigen Brühe mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln und aromatischen Kräutern gegart wird. Die Zwiebeln sorgen für einen süßen, reichen Geschmack, während die Brühe, die normalerweise mit Knoblauch, Thymian und einem… Read more

  • Delicioso estofado de cebolla francesa vegano: ¡un toque reconfortante!

    Delicioso estofado de cebolla francesa vegano: ¡un toque reconfortante!

    / El estofado de cebolla francesa vegano es un plato reconfortante que reinventa un clásico favorito. Incluye un abundante estofado vegetal elaborado con yaca, cocinado a fuego lento en un sabroso caldo infusionado con cebollas caramelizadas y hierbas aromáticas. Las cebollas aportan un sabor dulce y rico, mientras que el caldo, normalmente condimentado con ajo,… Read more

  • Delicious Vegan French Onion Pot Roast: A Comforting Twist!

    Delicious Vegan French Onion Pot Roast: A Comforting Twist!

    / Vegan French onion pot roast is a comforting dish that reimagines a classic favorite. It features a hearty plant-based roast made from jackfruit, slow-cooked in a savory broth infused with caramelized onions and aromatic herbs. The onions provide a sweet, rich flavor, while the broth, typically seasoned with garlic, thyme, and a splash of… Read more

  • Savory Red Curry Soup Recipe: A Flavorful Thai Delight

    Savory Red Curry Soup Recipe: A Flavorful Thai Delight

    / Vegan Red Curry Soup This is one of the easiest Thai soups to make, and it’s incredibly full of flavor! The more you make this soup, the more you will be able to make it your own. You might even begin to like your red curry soup more than the soup you get at… Read more

  • Indulge in the Ultimate Cookies & Cream Malt Recipe!

    Indulge in the Ultimate Cookies & Cream Malt Recipe!

    / Vegan Cookies and Cream Malt I used part of the pandemic to try and perfect the vegan malt. Malts are different than traditional milkshakes. The main difference is that a malt is a milkshake made with malted milk or malted milk chocolate. So to make this vegan seems impossible. However when you discover that… Read more

  • Delicious Vegan Tempeh Carbonara: A Creamy Plant-Based Twist

    Delicious Vegan Tempeh Carbonara: A Creamy Plant-Based Twist

    / Vegan Tempeh Carbonara This is a really easy recipe and perfect for a dinner during the week. I’ve made this a few different ways, so however you like to adjust it, make it your own. In this recipe, we’re going to use tempeh for the bacon substitute, but feel free to use either tofu… Read more

  • Perfect Garlic Mashed Potatoes: Creamy, Flavorful, and Easy

    Perfect Garlic Mashed Potatoes: Creamy, Flavorful, and Easy

    / Vegan Garlic Mashed Potatoes Some people say, “I don’t know what I’d eat if I did a vegan diet!” And I usually ask, “well what do you eat now?” Usually most meat and potatoes meals are served with mashed potatoes, and this is inherently vegan, with just a few simple vegan replacements! Don’t be… Read more